Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Well Happy belated Valentines day to all. I had a great day with my DH just hanging out and catching up on our Netflix's. My DH surprised me with 2 dozen roses delivered on Valentines Day. Since I am the worlds cheapest person I had to bite my tongue and not think about how much money the delivery change must have been on a SUNDAY! I actually just put it out of my mind and enjoyed the flowers which are still beautiful.

I am still looking into being a GS again, but it is going slow for I have not put too much time or effort into looking. I guess I was just hoping the perfect IP's would just fall out of the sky and want me as their GS. I know it is just a dream for it takes work to find a good match on both ends.

Things with me DD finally came to a head and after her throwing a milkshake on me and trying to hit me with her laptop I sent her to live with her father. I really can't have her just doing whatever she wants to whoever she wants. I will not stand for being hit or called names anymore. I found a therapist for us so I am hoping that over time we can have a good if not a great relationship and put all this nonsense behind us. For now I will take it moment by moment and see what happens. Having a troubled teenager is just so difficult. I never thought a child of mind would act like this and yet here I am with a DD that just will not listen and really does not care. I am still hopeful that this too shall pass.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Been a while

It has been a while since I posted for I really did not have any updates. I started this blog so I could update about my surrogacy journey, but now I am kind of debating what to do with my blog?

I did have a wonderful surrogacy related weekend. I drove up North about five hours from my house for a wonderful surrogate get together. I got to meet the most wonderful women and finally but some faces to the names I see on the board. The wonderful person J who put all this together is truly an amazing person and I was so glad I got to spend some quality time with her and her adorable son. It truly was a treat for me to get away from my day to day life and spend time with some incredible people. I am already looking forward to the new surrogate GTG :)

As for me on the surrogacy front nothing really new to report. I really am not sure what I am doing and this may be a sign that it is time to retire and do other things in the surrogacy world :( I know it will be difficult for me, but if it is for the best then I will accept my fate.

Work is going well and as always grateful to have a job that I like. Kids are doing well and my oldest son will be graduating from college in May. I am just so proud of that kid. I am so glad that I did not screw him up and he did not end up on the Dr. Phil show.